Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Time To Go ( Reflectoins )

   Well, this chapter has almost come to an end, as the re-fit has gone well, and the boat it ready to leave,                                                            And I'm wondering if I am as ready as the boat is..                                                                                                                                                                               So much so that I find I'm comparing myself to others that have gone before me, their age, physical strengths, and knowledge, and I soppose like most I'm over thinking everything, but the thoughts are still there, and I wonder, Can I Do It?                                                                                                                                                                                                    So I'll close this chapter of my life, the one that I'll lable "dreamer" and cut the lines, throu the fenders to the wind, and ride that horse, the one we call anxiety,  explore the unknown,  let my mind drift, and enjoy...............

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