Friday, March 20, 2015


   Most Tides are looked upon in either a flood or ebb, or comming and going but its here on Seven Mile Slough in the California Delta where we see the Tides in a different way.
   For the last year, We have been tyed to a dock here on the slough doing the re-fit needed to continue our Adventures south to Mexico, and durring this year, Our major concern was either the work we were doing to pay for the new gear, or doing the work itself on R3.
  So much so that much of the area in and around the marina we are keeping R3, has been by-passed. 
  But Now as We've pretty much finished our work on the boat, and our outside jobs have come to an end, We're  spending the days relaxing in the cockpit and taking care of minor issues.
  And its now that we've noticed what the tides bring to us, as the water rises and we float higher in the channel of the slough,  the sights over the levee, the farm lands, the cattle feeding in the fields, and off in the distance, the Hi-Way  running east and west, trucks and cars, all going somewhere, 
  And not a one, thinking or caring who we are or where we plan on going over the next few years.
  I wonder if I should care myself about those people in their steel cages, in their work-a-day lives, 
  Or should I just smile, wave, finish my cup of coffee, and get this boat ready to leave.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Time To Go ( Reflectoins )

   Well, this chapter has almost come to an end, as the re-fit has gone well, and the boat it ready to leave,                                                            And I'm wondering if I am as ready as the boat is..                                                                                                                                                                               So much so that I find I'm comparing myself to others that have gone before me, their age, physical strengths, and knowledge, and I soppose like most I'm over thinking everything, but the thoughts are still there, and I wonder, Can I Do It?                                                                                                                                                                                                    So I'll close this chapter of my life, the one that I'll lable "dreamer" and cut the lines, throu the fenders to the wind, and ride that horse, the one we call anxiety,  explore the unknown,  let my mind drift, and enjoy...............