Monday, December 23, 2013


   The frost is on the docks here at the Sailing Club,  the morning tempeture is in the 30s
and the windows are fogged up. Christmas is just a couple days away, and the first of the year is just around the corner..
   These are all things to be excited about BUT what makes us most happy.. The date of 
December 21st gave us the winter solstice..  The shortest day of the year and its now time to add the minutes until the hot days of summer are here. 
   Summer, Shorts, T-Shirts, and Sandles.. And Oh Yes, those lazy days ghosting along in a light breeze while sipping on your favorite drink.. Sure is nice to dream..

   But here on "R3" systems are checking out to be good, the solar is up and opperational, the wind generator is putting out more amps than ever before, Thanks to Walt,  We're slowly going back in to "cruising mode" after our land bound time, and we're looking forward to that smell of salt air and our sails full of wind.. Its the small things that are overwhelming us at this point but lists are made and as fast are deleted so all is good and we'll sone be on our way..